New Content - Implemented School of Hard Knocks Diploma

The School of Hard Knocks Diploma is a PVP reward. Using one gives PVP fights depending on how many Diplomas are in inventory, capped at 11 Diplomas. Discussion in this game forum thread.

I don't know much else. (For instance, if I have 1 Diploma in inventory, and use it, then acquire 10 more Diplomas, can I use them again? If so, what happens?) There might be a good case for a daily preference, or something. But basic (usability) handling would be good, to start.

Right now:

> use School of Hard Knocks Diploma

[COLOR="#FF0000"][School of Hard Knocks Diploma] has no matches.[/COLOR]

> ash use(1, $item[School of Hard Knocks Diploma])

[COLOR="#FF0000"][¶9123] has no matches.[/COLOR]
Returned: false
When did you last update? I've already sucessfully used the following code.

	if(available_amount($item[School of Hard Knocks Diploma]) > 0 && get_property("_hardKnocksDiplomaUsed") == "false")
		use(1, $item[School of Hard Knocks Diploma]);
Being able to use it, and a daily preference, are already a thing.

It will be added to once-per-day items that get used with breakfast once the month is over, in case someone is still working on getting another diploma and wants to have it for their daily use.
Well, that's... weird. I could've sworn I was running r17314 (although I forgot to note it in my report), and I definitely had that one downloaded. But I also keep the last stable build or two around, in case I want to roll back for some reason, so possibly I was using one of those... somehow... even though that would have taken extra file-tree clicks on my part... and I would've had to have misread the revision ID...

I dunno. But it's working now! Sorry for the spurious report, and I'm gonna go find a psychiatrist or a guru or someone that can help me with this newfound existential crisis.