WTF Relay script collection

Setting multiple star pies as a can_interact() feature only does not seem like a bad idea now that hardcoding is being considered.
Done. Feature simplified to this with a hardcoded list:

if ((shoplist contains it) && available_amount(it)>0 && !can_interact()) { return true; }
I started having an issue today with my inventory not loading in the relay browser. I realized that I had both WTF-Inventory and Enhanced Inventory Spoilers installed. But without EIS, WTF seemed to do nothing. My inventory loaded, but no descriptions or colors showed up. With just EIS installed, clicking on my inventory makes it hang again. I wasn't sure which thread to post in. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm using Mafia r17185 and Chrome, if that helps.
I dunno. You should not need both... in fact, they will likely just compete for the same files and screw each other up.
Try uninstalling both, then reinstalling only one.
Thank you for coloring my pixels. I can finally tell one pixel from another.

I know, right? This was largely inspired by NA and building yellow submarines.
Also, I reserve the right to color other things in the future.
Is there any reason why you colored the icon for Extremely Punchable Face to be purple? That keeps making me think it looks like the skill should have something to do with sleaze. Was that a mistake on your part?
Is there any reason why you colored the icon for Extremely Punchable Face to be purple? That keeps making me think it looks like the skill should have something to do with sleaze. Was that a mistake on your part?

Its not my fault KoL reuses images. I colored all the images used for elements that are used in Monster Manuel. This includes wink2.gif, which is used for sleaze. Then KoL got lazy, and reused it for Extremely Punchable Face.

I will go through and see where I override those images and see if I can be more logical and selective about it to keep them only in places where they are used for elements.
> svn checkout

svn:     E175002: connection refused by the server
Unable to     connect with repository at /p/relaywtf/code/inventorywtf

What am I doing wrong?
> svn checkout

svn:     E175002: connection refused by the server
Unable to     connect with repository at /p/relaywtf/code/inventorywtf

What am I doing wrong?

Assuming that the refused connection has anything to do with you?

Less snarky, SourceForge will sometimes refuse connections. This generally has nothing to do with KoLmafia and everything to do with SourceForge. If you are typing the URL or you have not tried it before then you can copy it and use it to open a browser window. If you see a mostly text page with no errors then the URL is almost certainly correct and you should try again. If you get an error then it is either a problem with the URL or with SourceForge. If the former then check your typing. If the latter then do the Magic 8 Ball and try again later. seems to be correct and it was displaying in the browser so I would say you are doing nothing wrong and should retry.
Thank you for coloring my pixels. I can finally tell one pixel from another.

I got inspired, and colored a few more things. Really A LOT more things. Mostly things that are colored by description, or elementally aligned in sets, or colored in sets. So many slime vials!

Also, I added a extra descriptor for any item that is absorbable in Gelatinous Noob that shows the skill granted and the effect. Now you can see what [absorb] will do from your inventory.
I got inspired, and colored a few more things. Really A LOT more things. Mostly things that are colored by description, or elementally aligned in sets, or colored in sets. So many slime vials!

Also, I added a extra descriptor for any item that is absorbable in Gelatinous Noob that shows the skill granted and the effect. Now you can see what [absorb] will do from your inventory.
The descriptor function requires inventory images to be enabled. Just FYI, for anyone who may be having problems with that.
All aircharter and airdaypass images seem to be missing from relayimages.
In fact, there seem to be only 203 image files present, but 314 (unique) images defined in wtf.ash:ImageWTF().
All aircharter and airdaypass images seem to be missing from relayimages.
In fact, there seem to be only 203 image files present, but 314 (unique) images defined in wtf.ash:ImageWTF().

Weird. not sure how I missed those. They should be correctly checked in now.