New Content - Implemented Dec 2015 IotM - machine elf capsule


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Unknown item found: machine elf capsule (8706, 264186300)
8706	machine elf capsule	264186300	machelfcapsule.gif	grow	t	0
Item	machine elf capsule	Free Pull
New familiar: "Machine Elf" (199) @ machelf.gif
Using 1 box of Familiar Jacks...
Unknown item found: self-dribbling basketball (8707, 819072964)
8707	self-dribbling basketball	819072964	sdbasketball.gif	familiar	t,d	75
Item	self-dribbling basketball	Familiar Weight: +10
You acquire an item: self-dribbling basketball
Upon starting a combat, I got this effect for one turn:
1991	Inner Elf	machelf.gif	b7ee0a7bd6da403858b2d3baacd3c4b4
Effect	Inner Elf	Muscle Percent: +100, Mysticality Percent: +100, Moxie Percent: +100, Weapon Damage Percent: +100, Spell Damage Percent: +100
After battle, got some drops. Stat buff
Unknown item found: abstraction: action (8708, 745245103)
8708	abstraction: action	745245103	abs1.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	5
abstraction: action	1	1	decent	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	abstraction: action	Effect: "Action", Effect Duration: 50
2000	Action	abs1.gif	efae03dd22f8a2b728bea28c8b76360b	chew 1 abstraction: action
Effect	Action	Muscle Percent: +100

Unknown item found: abstraction: thought (8709, 693096669)
8709	abstraction: thought	693096669	abs2.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	6
abstraction: thought	1	1	decent	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	abstraction: thought	Effect: "Thought", Effect Duration: 50
2001	Thought	abs2.gif	acf3c65fb121508439ee04ad2490efcb	chew 1 abstraction: thought
Effect	Thought	Mysticality Percent: +100

Unknown item found: abstraction: sensation (8710, 315015395)
8710	abstraction: sensation	315015395	abs3.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	7
abstraction: sensation	1	1	decent	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	abstraction: sensation	Effect: "Sensation", Effect Duration: 50
2002	Sensation	abs3.gif	ae9a75b7352efa11702d9822ace85b3b	chew 1 abstraction: sensation
Effect	Sensation	Moxie Percent: +100
Some increase stat gains (didn't find the Moxie one yet):
Unknown item found: abstraction: category (8712, 939859073)
Unknown item found: abstraction: purpose (8711, 265221812)
8711	abstraction: purpose	265221812	abs4.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	8
abstraction: purpose	1	1	decent	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	abstraction: purpose	Effect: "Purpose", Effect Duration: 50
2018	Purpose	abs4.gif	008371e785b3193f6b20a7f03f1dc063	chew 1 abstraction: purpose
Effect	Purpose	Experience Percent (Muscle): +25

8712	abstraction: category	939859073	abs5.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	9
abstraction: category	1	1	decent	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	abstraction: category	Effect: "Category", Effect Duration: 50
2019	Category	abs5.gif	2f79e19fb1a4f3f9652747fc1b9ea6bb	chew 1 abstraction: category
Effect	Category	Experience Percent (Mysticality): +25
Plus an adventure location:
Unknown item found: Deep Machine Tunnels snowglobe (8749, 277811366)
8749	Deep Machine Tunnels snowglobe	277811366	dmtglobe.gif	usable	t,d	57
# Item Deep Machine Tunnels snowglobe: Grants temporary access to the Deep Machine Tunnels beneath Seaside Town
Item	Deep Machine Tunnels snowglobe	Effect: "Inside The Snowglobe", Effect Duration: 57
1999	Inside The Snowglobe	dmtglobe.gif	009a3c614ca52e95eeac458ad4b93b65	use 1 Deep Machine Tunnels snowglobe
# Effect Inside The Snowglobe: You can access the Deep Machine Tunnels beneath Seaside Town
The spleen items do not give adventures or stats. Also,the familiar seems to give bonus stats or meat after battle. Mafia picks those up already.

Using the snowglobe adds a hatch to the Wrong Side of the Tranks, image url: /images/otherimages/town/dmthatch.gif.
Adding new location: The Deep Machine Tunnels - adventure.php?snarfblat=458
Warning: The fights in here? They are weird. And coming from me that's saying something :p But combat messages are warped, much like in the Haiku Dungeon or while under Just the Best Anapests
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You should copy that data from the session log, not the CLI. The CLI does not preserve the tabs (they show as spaces) which requires our devs to do a lot more work to put it into the data files and occasionally results in items that don't work because they missed a space to tab conversion during copy/paste.

Could you edit your post with stuff you copy from your session log?
Screw me sideways, I forgot about that. Give me a bit.

EDIT: And done. Now for the chocolates. Sorry about that! I always forget about the CLI vs. log.

EDIT EDIT: IT seems that fights in the tunnels with the Machine Elf do not consume turns. I get this message:
Froginald clucks his tongue and time starts passing again. This makes you realize that no time had passed while you were fighting that weird monster. the end of combat and sure enough, my adventures do not lessen.
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Stat gains are (intentionally) not shown in these fights. Since that isn't shown, the best we can do is use charpane.php to update substat totals as accurately as possible. Showing substat progress is optional, but full base stats are always there at least.

Looks like that requires parsing stat values in CharPaneRequest.handleStatPoints() (to get a stat of Y) and making sure KoLCharacter.totalSubpoints is at least Y^2. More general sanity checking could verify that it is at most (Y+1)^2 - 1. The hard part is parsing it with all of the available charpane options.
Choice adventure from logs:
[3408] The Deep Machine Tunnels
Encounter: Crimson Forwards In Time
Took choice 1119/1: A writhing of soothing shapes.
8716	abstraction: certainty	700317479	abs9.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	13
abstraction: certainty	1	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	abstraction: certainty	Effect: "Certainty", Effect Duration: 50
2023	Certainty	abs9.gif	f9beaa40b81d459e23c1b7467dc36d36	chew 1 abstraction: certainty
Effect	Certainty	Item Drop: +100
8713	abstraction: perception	682952437	abs6.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	10
abstraction: perception	1	1	decent	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	abstraction: perception	Effect: "Perception", Effect Duration: 50
2020	Perception	abs6.gif	4f8d16338f3261265f0233b094978e30	chew 1 abstraction: perception
Effect	Perception	Experience Percent (Moxie): +25
I'm guessing the first choice gives drops that the machine elf can give. I got the html from the choice:
<p>Deep within your liver, a quicksilver door appears inside a pyramid of confusion. As you draw near, it howls an impossible benediction. You try to remember the benediction, but your memories are red dodecahedrons. You are desperate to appease the a pyramid, but you can only sing. You sing. Bright, flickering white extrudes from your soul. The door opens.<p>Outside, there are options for you.<center><form style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;' name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='d0c21189e44841835f3ca0b46c50a356'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=1119><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input  class=button type=submit value="A writhing of soothing shapes."></form><p><form style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;' name=choiceform3 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='d0c21189e44841835f3ca0b46c50a356'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=1119><input type=hidden name=option value=3><input  class=button type=submit value="A yellowagon that encloses."></form><p><form style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;' name=choiceform4 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='d0c21189e44841835f3ca0b46c50a356'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=1119><input type=hidden name=option value=4><input  class=button type=submit value="A little pyramid, familiar, beckoning."></form><p><form style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;' name=choiceform6 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='d0c21189e44841835f3ca0b46c50a356'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=1119><input type=hidden name=option value=6><input  class=button type=submit value="A path away. All ways. Always."></form><p></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></center>
Again, just a guess, but option 6 might lead away. Missing from this were options 2 and 5. Gonna keep digging. Let's see how deep that mecha-rabbit hole goes.
Update: Not all the turns are free. Didn't think they would be, I only got 5. Likely a daily limit.

Updated update: There are monster names, but like the hobos, they have patterns. From the CLI:
New monster #1860 found in Manuel with name 'Thinker of Thoughts' image 'blank.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: weird'

New monster #1859 found in Manuel with name 'Performer of Actions' image 'blank.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: weird'

New monster #1861 found in Manuel with name 'Perceiver of Sensations' image 'blank.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: weird'
The images being blank are likely not an error.
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Found a way to differentiate between the 3 different monsters. Each monster has a bit of Javascript in the page that controls their appearance. Cross checking with MM entries, I've narrowed it down to identify each monster. Javascript, you'll find
var paths = [["dmtmonster_part1.png",[...
Each monster has unique parts.

The Performer of Actions will have dmtmonster_part1.png and dmtmonster_part2.png. (squares)
The Thinker of Thoughts will have dmtmonster_part4.png and dmtmonster_part5.png. (circles)
The Perceiver of Sensations will have dmtmonster_part6.png and dmtmonster_part7.png. (triangles)
The monsters scale to ATT=Moxie+1 and DEF=Muscle+1. Not sure about HP.

This is an Underground area, planted a Horn of Plenty.

Got the choice adventure again, and still only had choices 1, 3, 4, and 6. Chose 3 this time and received:
Encounter: Teal Into The Ether
Took choice 1119/3: A wire that encloses.
8718	modern picture frame	266516661	modernframe.gif	usable	t	0
# Item modern picture frame: Put abstractions in it to create abstract art!
You acquire an item: modern picture frame
The name of the choice adventure changes.

When you use the frame, it'll take you to someplace that let's you make your own Make Machine Elf Art! The html that let's you publish is:
<form method="post" action="machineart.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="art" id="savedata" value="[]" />
				Name: <input type="text" value="Fluxxdog's Art" name="name" size="20" maxlen="100" />
				<br />
				<input type="submit" class="button" value="Publish Art" />
You can click away without publishing. This does not waste the frame.
You do not need to use the globe to get into the tunnels. You can adventure as much as you like as long as the Machine Elf is your familiar. Using the globe just gives an effect that lets you adventure there, like the transporter transponder.
Clarification requested. I'm not entirely certain I understood that. I think you said that you can adventure in the tunnels if you fulfill at least one of the following two conditions:
  1. Use a snowglobe which gives 57 turns of an effect called, "Inside The Snowglobe." As long as that effect is still active you can adventure in that location, regardless of active familiar.
  2. Have the Machine Elf as active familiar. This does not require the use of a snowglobe.

I believe I also read someone post that adventures in this location do not use turns? Or does that only happen if you have "Inside The Snowglobe" and have the Machine Elf as familiar at the same time?

The free turns are if you have a Machine Elf active and are limited to 5/day. You don't use the snowglobe if you have the Machine Elf as your familiar because you, and I'm paraphrasing here, already knew where it was.
Last item for the night. The snowglobe is a 1/day drop, if only getting one after 400+ turns adventuring mean anything.
Choice 4 leads to an adventure that appears to let you duplicate any one consumable item (food, booze, potions, etc.) once per ascension, heard reports that the choice doesn't show up if you don't have the elf and are just using a snowglobe. I didn't want to use up the only chance, so i took the leave option, but here's the block for that adventure.
[4138] The Deep Machine Tunnels
Encounter: Glittering Sepia Across The Universe
choice 1119/1: A twisting of shrill shapes.
choice 1119/3: A septagon that encloses.
choice 1119/4: A little cube, familiar, beckoning.
choice 1119/6: A path away. All ways. Always.
Took choice 1119/4: A little cube, familiar, beckoning.
Encounter: A %syn_noise/titlecase% of Two
Took choice 1125/6: (secret choice)
Encounter: Sepia Forwards In Time
Took choice 1119/1: A revolving of cacophonous shapes.
You acquire an item: abstraction: motion
You acquire an item: abstraction: sensation
You acquire an item: abstraction: perception
You acquire an item: abstraction: perception

Didn't notice anything in particular missing from the list, though it was large. Saw all twitch tower items, various past consumables that only come from deck fights, avatar potions, all teas I had. I wish I could share my inventory so someone could suggest an item to duplicate that'd be at least vaguely worth it, since I don't plan on ascending until after the dread runs are over.
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Got the HTML for choice 4:
<form method="post" action="choice.php"><input type="hidden" name="whichchoice" value="1125" /><input type="hidden" name="pwd" value="9671cb06a24983526388626e11296324" /><input type="hidden" name="option" value="1" /><select name="iid"><option value="7772">"meat" stick</option><option value="6075">37x37x37 puzzle cube</option><option value="682">a little sump'm sump'm</option><option value="4950">abominable blubber</option>
... many items later ...
<option value="5826">zombie hollandaise</option></select><input type="submit" value="From a Oneness a Twoness (1)" class="button" /></form><form method="post" action="choice.php"><input type="hidden" name="whichchoice" value="1125" /><input type="hidden" name="pwd" value="9671cb06a24983526388626e11296324" /><input type="hidden" name="option" value="6" /><input type="submit" value="Just Oneness For Now"  class="button" /></form>
It does duplicate. On inspection, it seemed only items that can be used with an autosell value will be listed. Seems like a good time to dupe a rare food or combat item. ... Who uses combat items again?

Update: Once chosen, choice 4 disappears the next time. Wouldn't be surprised if it was 1/ascension. Did find this:
8715	abstraction: joy	712803763	abs8.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	12
abstraction: joy	1	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	abstraction: joy	Effect: "Joy", Effect Duration: 50
2022	Joy	abs8.gif	1610c38cc59444b05760791cf7544933	chew 1 abstraction: joy
Effect	Joy	Familiar Weight: +10
As far as unspaded goes for the spleen items, no adventures or states, just the effects.
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8717	abstraction: comprehension	525612799	abs10.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	14
abstraction: comprehension	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item abstraction: comprehension
8714	abstraction: motion	459927289	abs7.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	11
abstraction: motion	1	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	abstraction: motion	Effect: "Motion", Effect Duration: 50
2021	Motion	abs7.gif	79d1ae432737050d345689eef9d63488	chew 1 abstraction: motion
Effect	Motion	Initiative: +100
Comprehension is selling for big meat, so either rare or valuable, probably both at the moment. Motion though, no adv/stats.
Added items, thanks, Fluxx. Also moved modifiers to Spleen section and removed unspaded for all bar Comprehension, as 0 adv/stats apparently correct.
OH! Thank you! I was just trying to figure out why ChIT wasn't displaying my florist friar plants for that location.

That "The " is very important or else the last location link in the charpane doesn't match correctly.

Someone, please fix that!