Change to Spookyraven Cellar functionality?


I'm used to having the names of wines I need be bold when I go to the basement, and having the right wines be numbered in the drop-down menu to pour them.

Now they're listed by name instead of type in the cellar, they aren't bold when I need them, and right wines aren't numbered in the menu.

Is there a reason this changed? Is there a way to get it back?
Although I don't know if Mafia knows this, you shouldn't need to wear the spectacles anymore, just having them should be enough (except on your first ascension).

As a slightly related question, is there an easy way to refer to the different dusty bottles by type (specifically so I can just tell mafia to buy/drink x bottles of the snake glyph wine without having to remember which one that is)?
Although I don't know if Mafia knows this, you shouldn't need to wear the spectacles anymore, just having them should be enough (except on your first ascension).
Mafia knows that. However you still need to wear the spectacles to find the secret passage to the summoning chamber and identify the glyphs needed to open it.

As a slightly related question, is there an easy way to refer to the different dusty bottles by type (specifically so I can just tell mafia to buy/drink x bottles of the snake glyph wine without having to remember which one that is)?

Type "dusty" in the gCLI to identify which wine you want to drink.
However you still need to wear the spectacles to find the secret passage to the summoning chamber and identify the glyphs needed to open it.
I don't think so. You just need to have the spectacles in inventory. You do need to click on the wall to find the glyphs, though; you can't just go into the cellar and automatically know which glyphs are needed.
I just can't get mafia to recognize dusty bottles no matter what I do. I already killed the NS, and no matter if I wear the spectacles or not it wont recognize them. This is so for at least several builds.
I had this problem on one character, but not two of my others. I solved it by going into the preference file for that character and deleting the lines including the word "dusty". Mafia then rebuilt the settings correctly.
Yesterday I did the spookyraven cellar again. I never equipped the spectacles and everything worked perfectly.

I understand that unascended characters need to actually wear the spectacles. Are the characters that had the problem unascended?
I understand that unascended characters need to actually wear the spectacles. Are the characters that had the problem unascended?

I've equipped the spectacles on an unascended character to identify the wine bottles with mafia, so that shouldn't even be an issue.
My character that had the problem had over a dozen ascensions under his belt. I think that Mafia just got confused thinking it had identified the wines when it hadn't.
My character has > 50 ascensions, no noobsphere issues :)

However, when I went through in r7075, it worked as usual! It seemed like what was happening (based on some minor minor testing with my clannie who had the same issue) was that mafia tried to identify the dusty wines on ascension instead of upon receiving the spectacles; then when you did get them it thought it didn't need to check them. But, this last run it identified them when I got the specs, and it all worked.

Oh, and the solution that he found was the same as StormCrow, going into the prefs file and editing the "dusty" line. Still no idea why it was happening though :P
I'm in r7101, and I did the cellar today - it didn't work at all. Tracking which bottles were where worked fine, but the names of the ones I needed weren't bold, and they weren't numbered in the summoning chamber drop-down. I looked at the summoning chamber with the spectacles equipped, and I looked at the item descriptions with the spectacles on (since I had to do it by hand).
Furthermore, the labels in the cellar were the names of the wines (Marsala etc) instead of descriptions as I was used to (glassy, great, etc).

What's going on?
I am quite ascended, thank you. It didn't work for me for two ascensions now.
I'm approaching the quest again on an HCO run, lets see if it works this time.
I've seen several reports that KoLmafia tried to identify the bottles upon ascension - which obviously can't work, since you don't have the spectacles. I don't see how that can happen, but I'll look harder.

In the mean time, I made KoLmafia reset the appropriate counter when you first get the spectacles, which should make it identify the bottles, regardless of whether it erroneously thought it had done so earlier in the run...