Recent content by erct657

  1. E

    Bug _lastCombatWon being set to False at Round 1 while still in Combat

    OK. That thread has a link to the Mafia code that detects whether a fight is over and it lead me to some inspiration. Instead of just "Show old form with Combat Action Bar" being unchecked, I also needed to uncheck "Enable Combat Action Bar". So now manual adventures are ugly, but combat no...
  2. E

    Bug _lastCombatWon being set to False at Round 1 while still in Combat

    I wish this was the fix. I already had that unchecked for me. Checking it actually broke Werewolf combat for me in the same way that Professor is, basically Mafia thinking that combat is over after round 0/1, despite the fight only just beginning.
  3. E

    Bug _lastCombatWon being set to False at Round 1 while still in Combat

    I am adding support for it. It is pretty janky right now, but does full combat for werewolf no issues, Professor requires Darts and will also use the Cosmic Bowling Ball, otherwise it should try to runaway (doesn't necessarily). My issue is unrelated to autoscend, it just happens to affect it...
  4. E

    Bug _lastCombatWon being set to False at Round 1 while still in Combat

    Lately, we (autoscend) have been getting reports about _lastCombatWon being set to False during round 1, before the user has taken any action. This is causing the post-adventure script to trigger, which may or may not break combat. I experience it consistently during the Professor part of a...
  5. E

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    It seems like Mafia thinks that combat ends in a loss for the Professor after the initial research point is gained. This is leading to the post adventure script being run, even though combat is still going on. Below was a manual combat without the post adventure script and it shows that...
  6. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    I literally answered this 2 posts above. There is no native Autoscend feature to ignore clovers/lucky adventures so you need to modify code.
  7. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    In auto_util.ash there is a function int cloversAvailable. If you return 0 for that function instead of numClovers, it SHOULD not use clovers. Also, closeting clovers and making sure Take items from the closet whenever needed is not checked SHOULD also work.
  8. E

    New Content Everfull Dart Holster

    Bug encountered during Ed fight. Once I hit 196 darts thrown (which happened during the 3rd turn of the fight for me), Mafia thought it was going to encounter a choice after the turn but didn't because Ed, causing it to loop without continuing to the next phase of combat. Restarting Mafia...
  9. E

    Bug Window Re-Drawing Incorrectly

    I have been getting these weird GUI issues where things are misaligned/appear misaligned. It's like the menu bar doesn't "render" even though it is there which causes mis-clicks if I go to the Adventure tab or some other tab. Resizing the window temporarily fixes it. It seems like the issue is...
  10. E

    Bug - Fixed Unable to craft staff of ed

    Adding on to Irrat, I encountered this too yesterday and bypassed it when I manually created Staff of Ed, almost and the Staff of Ed, KoL notified that I discovered a new recipe for each.
  11. E

    Bug - Fixed Cannot use replica Familiars with v27500+

    Exactly like the title says. When calling ash use(1, $item[replica Apathargic Bandersnatch]) in the command line, with v27500 or higher, Mafia returns true, but doesn't actually use the familiar. The relay browser behind the cli was navigated to after running that ash command. Also, the Session...
  12. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    Were you running this in casual? You shouldn't run Autoscend in casual because it will do strange things. How close to rollover were you running autoscend?
  13. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    Gotcha. If you set that to false, autoscend should automatically determine whether you can survive the Ninja Assassins or not. If auto_L8_ninjaAssassinFail=true then it updates extremeInstead to be true. There is some logic that will flip ninjaAssassinFail from false to true.
  14. E

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    The issue was the goblin cape since it provides -6 cold resistance. If I had to guess, it was used because you had no other back item available AND because you went the Extreme route, we were looking for NCs, so it got equipped and then never unequipped. Then once you got the Extreme outfit, it...
  15. E

    New Content Spring 2023 special challenge path - Avatar of Shadows Over Loathing

    Regex is hard. It actually works as expected, my matcher string just wasn't working properly so I wasn't ever getting to the visit_url code.